Many times a venture worth doing is as terrifying as it is thrilling. The road to becoming a hairstylist is lined with challenges and personal growth. Let’s take a moment to follow Ashton Sheafor on her journey through school to building her business to becoming a seasoned hairstylist with 13 years of experience.
First Day of School
Starting school at age 17, Ashton recalls how abrupt it felt learning to hold shears and cut hair on day one! Within weeks all students were cutting clients’ hair. Switching from a mannequin to a human head within a short period of time was nerve wracking! How did Ashton go from fresh faced newbie to a pro stylist? Take a look at the following tips Ashton gathered along the way!
Ashton’s Tips for Up-and-Coming Stylists

- Promote! Most new stylists start working on commission and spend a lot of time sitting and waiting. However merely waiting for clients is simply not enough! Cultivate skills to promote your business and build clientele. Once you are established many salons offer a booth rent option instead.
- “Fake it ’til you make it.” After you have a few years in your belt, confidence will come naturally. Until then put your clients at ease with a calm, confident demeanor. No one wants an overtly anxious person with shears near their head! The best cure for nervousness is simply putting yourself out there and just doing it!
- Surround yourself by skilled mentors. Approaching experienced stylists with questions is extremely helpful in the beginning of your career. School teaches you the basics, but there is no teacher quite like real world experience.
- Be patient. You will not become an amazing stylist over night! Keep practicing your craft and learning new techniques. Ashton’s patience paid off and at year 5 of her career she finally felt like everything was fitting together.
- Find your niche. Stylists have to be a jack of all trades. But each stylist stands out with their individual strengths. Early in Ashton’s career she found her sweet spot with bridal updos. That helped her gain confidence and practice working with a variety of clients. Find what makes you shine!

Triumphs and Turning Points
Now at year 13, Ashton is a mentor to new stylists and collaborates with other skilled professionals. Combining perseverance, growth and confidence, Ashton has developed an amazing client base that she loves working with! If being a hair stylist is your goal or you are a new stylist trying to find your way, don’t give up! Everyone’s journey is different so keep learning, adapting and shining!
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